This web page contains the sources and examples of the implementation of multi-dimensional multi-level modeling (MDM) as described in
the paper references below. If you install ConceptBase on your computer (Linux, Windows, MacOS), then you can directly visualize
and inspect the examples in the subdirectory GELs (*.gel is the file extension for ConceptBase graph files).
Thomas Kühne, Manfred Jeusfeld: Sanity-Checking Multiple Levels of Classification - A Formal Approach with a ConceptBase Implementation.
In: Proceedings 42nd Intl. Conf. on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2023), Springer-Verlag
(postprint, slides).
The source models (*.sml, *.sml.txt,*.cbs) in this directory (incl. subdirectories) and their derivates (*.gel,*.png) are provided under a
CC BY-NC 4.0 license:
Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International.
1. Install ConceptBase
Install ConceptBase via the "Download ConceptBase"
link for Linux, Windows, and MacOS. You need Java 8 or higher to do so.
You can configure your ConceptBase
installation to directly start the example
graph files (*.gel). The graph files contain all necessary Telos definitions including the
DeepTelos axioms and the dedicated graphical types. You only need to configure your web browser
to open the CBGraph utility when you click a graph file. The procedure is simple:
Use your Web browser (e.g. Firefox) to click on a link to a graph file like acrosslevels.gel (a sample ConceptBase graph file). The browser shall ask you whether to download the file or associate an application. Choose to associate an application. Then, browse to the installation directory of (Windows: c:\conceptbase, other: $HOME/conceptbase). Type for Windows "cbgraph.bat" and for other platforms "cbgraph" in the filename field and press OK. Afterwards, a click on a link to a graph file shall directly start CBGraph. Our web servers of ConceptBase use as Mime type for graph files application/cbgraphfile or application/x-cbgraphfile. The latter is preferred.
2. Browse sources and examples
The Telos sources for sanity-checking multi-dimensional models are provided as text files *.sml.txt ("Telos files").
In addition, you find self-contained ConceptBase
graph files, ready to be started from your web browser after installation of ConceptBase.
Sources for MDM.
This directory contains the constructs for MDM as well as the
Telos files for all constraints discussed in our paper,
see in particular 02-constraints.sml.txt.
Positive and negative examples for MDM.
This directory also consists of Telos files *.sml.txt. The files with containing "pos" in the filename are positive example,
i.e. they satisfy the MDM constraints. For example,
c1-pos1.sml.txt is a positive example fulfillingg constraint "c1". Likewise, "c1-neg1.sml.txt" violates constraint "c1".
Graph files of the examples.
For example, the file
TestC1n1.gel is the graph file for "c1-neg1.sml.txt". Note that
the graph files do not include the MDM constraints, otherwise they could not be opened with ConceptBase. However, you can add the constraints
via a Telos Editor (CBIva) after you have started the graph file "TestC1n1.gel".