The ConceptBase Team

The copyright for the sources of the deductive object base ConceptBase is with The ConceptBase Team, being the group of people who have contributed to design and implementation of the system. All rights are reserved by the ConceptBase Team. Code from external parties is included based on appropriate licenses, see directory doc/ExternalLicenses.

Contributors to the system include Masoud Asady, Lutz Bauer (module system), Markus Baumeister, Ulrich Bonn, Rainer Gallersdörfer (object store), Michael Gebhardt (user interface), Dagmar Genenger, Michael Gocek, Rainer Hermanns, Stefan Eherer, Matthias Jarke, Manfred Jeusfeld (CB server, logic foundation, function component), David Kensche, André Klemann, Eva Krüger (integrity component), Rainer Langohr, Farshad Lashgari (active rules), Tobias Latzke, Xiang Li, Yong Li, Thomas List (object store), Andreas Miethsam, Hans Nissen (module system), Martin Pöschmann, Christoph Quix (CB server, view component), Christoph Radig (object store), Tobias Schöneberg, Achim Schlosser, René Soiron (optimizer), Martin Staudt (CB server, query component), Kai von Thadden (query component), Hua Wang (answer formatting), Claudia Welter, Thomas Wenig. Some modules to which team members have contributed may have been removed from the source pool in the meantime.

ConceptBase implements a variant of the Telos knowledge representation language designed at the University of Toronto and partner universities. We thank the designers of Telos, in particular Alex Borgida, John Mylopoulos, Sol Greenspan, Martin Stanley, and Manolis Koubarakis.

The ConceptBase Team can be contacted via Manfred Jeusfeld (manfred-dot-jeusfeld-at-acm-dot-org). -- Contact: M. Jeusfeld, University of Skövde, Box 408, 54128 Skövde, Sweden -- 2018-04-19