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Dark Mode for CBIva and CBGraph

From version 8.5 onwards, the ConceptBase user interfaces CBIva (textual editing) and CBGraph (graphical editing) are based on the FlatLaf Look and Feel for Java. FlatLaf has a light and a dark theme. For this reason, we now support also a dark mode for ConceptBase. This feature is still experimental. Some icons and functions are not yet adapted to dark mode.

Enable dark mode for ConceptBase

To enable the dark mode, start CBIva and open the menu Options/EditOptions. Set the value for DarkMode to true, press "Ok" and exit CBIva. The next time you start CBIva or CBGraph, it will present itself in dark mode.

CBIva in dark mode

CBGraph will also be displayed in dark mode. You may want to use a designated dark palette to also display the graphs themselves in a dark mode. The palette DarkTelosPalette presents the colors so that graphs are also displayed in a dark mode. You need to tell this palette to the ConceptBase server before starting CBGraph. DarkTelosPalette is the dark counterpart to the default palette TelosPalette.

CBGraph with DarkTelosPalette -- Contact: M. Jeusfeld, University of Skövde, Sweden

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