MULTI22, challenge, 2022-07-01 Gergely, Manfred DMLA: Bootstrap object/ComplexEntity corresponds a but to Telos Proposition: Bootstrap object defines all rules, typesystem etc of DMLA "Base" is the most-general type in DMLA When refining it is refined from the upper level (e.g. "Name" from "Children"), type constraint can be refined to String DMLA specs are compiled to virtual machines "D#" (JVM, Kotlin, C#); like compiling a programming language DMLA is a self-defining modeling language Goal of DMLA is for prototyping applications/models Modeling errors are detected by "validate" method DMLA can have only one classifier for a given object. See S400 vs S400_0001 RAMsize is realized by an operation ValidateConforms Different and less elegant than in DeepTelos RAMZISES in DMLA corresponds to RAMOPTION in DeepTelos Conrete attribute values are set by "=" DMLA does not distinguish instantiation / specialization Both DMLA and DeepTelos are used for model checking