Date in DataType isA Value end TimeUnit isA DataType end Time in TimeUnit isA Value end BlueDim in Dimension with dimcolor col: "0,0,210" end OrangeDim in Dimension with dimcolor col: "255,90,30" end "2023-03-05" in Date end "2023-03-06" in Date end "15 h" in Time end Person end Element Updatable with attribute lastUpdated: Date potency OrangeDim: 1 end Element ActivityType with attribute expectedDuration: Time potency BlueDim: 2 end Element DesignCode in ActivityType,Updatable with lastUpdated date1: "2023-03-05" expectedDuration time1: "15 h" potency BlueDim: 1; OrangeDim: 0 end DesignCode->Updatable with dimension dim: OrangeDim end DesignCode->ActivityType with dimension dim: BlueDim end