Humans in Dimension with dimcolor col: "20,130,20" gproperty bgcolor: "230,255,230" end Animals in Dimension with dimcolor col: "0,0,210" gproperty bgcolor: "240,240,255" end Favorites in Dimension with dimcolor col: "230,90,30" gproperty bgcolor: "255,240,220" end Element Person with potency Humans: 1 end Element Royal isA Person with potency Humans: 1 end Royal=>Person with dimension dim: Humans end Element Queen in Royal with potency Humans: 0 end Queen->Royal with dimension dim: Humans end Element FavoriteThing with potency Favorites: 1 end Element Blue with end Element RoyalBlue in FavoriteThing isA Blue with potency Favorites: 0 end RoyalBlue->FavoriteThing with dimension dim: Favorites end RoyalBlue=>Blue with dimension dim: Favorites end Element DeepRoyalBlue isA RoyalBlue with end DeepRoyalBlue=>RoyalBlue with dimension dim: Favorites end Element EarlGrey in FavoriteThing with potency Favorites: 0 end EarlGrey->FavoriteThing with dimension dim: Favorites end Element Breed with potency Animals: 2 end Element DogBreed isA Breed with potency Animals: 2 end DogBreed=>Breed with dimension dim: Animals end Element Dog with potency Animals: 1 end Element Corgi in DogBreed,FavoriteThing isA Dog with potency Animals: 1; Favorites: 0 end Corgi->DogBreed with dimension dim: Animals end Corgi=>Dog with dimension dim: Animals end Element WelshCorgi in DogBreed isA Corgi with potency Animals: 1 end WelshCorgi->DogBreed with dimension dim: Animals end WelshCorgi=>Corgi with dimension dim: Animals end Corgi->FavoriteThing with dimension dim: Favorites end Element Susan in FavoriteThing,Corgi with potency Animals: 0; Favorites: 0 end Susan->Corgi with dimension dim: Animals end Susan->FavoriteThing with dimension dim: Favorites end