{ * Module: System-oHome-DeepTelos-ProcessModels * --------------------------------------------------------- * This file has been extracted from a ConceptBase database. * Copyright is with the respective authors! * Time extracted: 2019-07-15T12:24:59,705Z (UTC) * Active user: jeusfeld@myon * CBserver version: 8.1.03 (2019-07-11) * * -author: Manfred Jeusfeld * -license: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike International 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) * -uses: https://bscw.dbis.rwth-aachen.de/pub/bscw.cgi/3812285 } {$set module=System-oHome-DeepTelos-ProcessModels} { 2019-07-15 12:10:12.355 } ProcessModels with comment author : "Manfred Jeusfeld"; license : "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike International 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0)"; uses : "https://bscw.dbis.rwth-aachen.de/pub/bscw.cgi/3812285" end NodeOrLink with attribute connectedTo : NodeOrLink end Node isA NodeOrLink end NodeOrLink!connectedTo isA NodeOrLink end ModelType isA Node with attribute contains : NodeOrLink end ModelType!contains isA NodeOrLink!connectedTo end {---} Model with IN class: ModelType attribute content: Proposition end Proposition with attribute,transitive dependsOn: Proposition end {---} GProcessElement in NodeOrLink with connectedTo flowTo : GProcessElement end GProcessElement!flowTo isA GProcessElement end GPlace in NodeOrLink,Class isA GProcessElement with attribute marks : Integer rule defaultmarks : $ forall p/GPlace (not exists n/Integer :(p marks n):) ==> (p marks 0) $ end GTransition in NodeOrLink isA GProcessElement end M in Function isA Integer with parameter p : GPlace constraint c1 : $ (p marks this) $ end Input in GenericQueryClass isA GPlace with parameter t : GTransition constraint ci : $ (this flowTo t) $ end Enabled in QueryClass isA GTransition with constraint c : $ forall p/Input[this] (M(p) > 0) $ end MarkedGPlace in QueryClass isA GPlace with constraint c : $ (M(this) > 0) $ end ConnectedPlace in GenericQueryClass isA GPlace with parameter trans : GTransition constraint c : $ (this flowTo trans) or (trans flowTo this) $ end inFlow in GenericQueryClass isA GProcessElement!flowTo with parameter place : GPlace; trans : GTransition constraint c1 : $ From(this,trans) and To(this,place) $ end outFlow in GenericQueryClass isA GProcessElement!flowTo with parameter place : GPlace; trans : GTransition constraint c1 : $ From(this,place) and To(this,trans) $ end IM in Function isA Integer with parameter p : GPlace; t : GTransition constraint c1 : $ (t flowTo p) and not (p flowTo t) and (this = 1) or (p flowTo t) and not (t flowTo p) and (this = -1) or not (p flowTo t) and not (t flowTo p) and (this = 0) $ end gfire in GenericQueryClass isA YesClass with parameter transition : Enabled constraint c1 : $ (this=yes) $ end ReportState in QueryClass isA GPlace with retrieved_attribute marks : Integer end StateFormat in AnswerFormat with forQuery q : ReportState order o : ascending orderBy ob : "this" head h : "Place #Tokens ----------------- " pattern p : "{this} {this.marks} " tail t : "----------------- " end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:12.589 } BPMN_Pool in ModelType with contains contains : BPMN_Element end BPMN_Element in Node isA GProcessElement with connectedTo next : BPMN_Element end BPMN_Activity in Node end BPMN_Event in Node end BPMN_StartEvent in Node isA BPMN_Event end BPMN_StartMessageEvent in Node isA BPMN_StartEvent end BPMN_EndEvent in Node isA BPMN_Event end BPMN_EndMessageEvent in Node isA BPMN_Event end BPMN_IntermediateEvent in Node isA BPMN_Event end BPMN_IntermediateMessageEvent in Node isA BPMN_IntermediateEvent end BPMN_AndGW in Node end BPMN_OrGW in Node end BPMN_EventBasedGW in Node isA BPMN_OrGW end TransitionLike isA BPMN_Element,GTransition end PlaceLike isA BPMN_Element,GPlace end BPMN_Activity isA TransitionLike end BPMN_Event isA PlaceLike end BPMN_AndGW isA TransitionLike end BPMN_OrGW isA PlaceLike end PlainOrGW in QueryClass isA BPMN_OrGW with constraint cp : $ :(this in BPMN_OrGW): $ end MapBPMNToGPM in Class with rule r1 : $ forall a1,a2/TransitionLike link/BPMN_Element!next From(link,a1) and To(link,a2) ==> (link in GPlace) $; r2 : $ forall a1,a2/TransitionLike link/BPMN_Element!next From(link,a1) and To(link,a2) ==> (a1 flowTo link) $; r3 : $ forall a1,a2/TransitionLike link/GPlace (link in BPMN_Element!next) and From(link,a1) and To(link,a2) ==> (link flowTo a2) $; r4a : $ forall b1,b2/BPMN_Element link/BPMN_Element!next From(link,b1) and To(link,b2) and (b1 in TransitionLike) and (b2 in PlaceLike) ==> (link in GProcessElement!flowTo) $; r4b : $ forall b1,b2/BPMN_Element link/BPMN_Element!next From(link,b1) and To(link,b2) and (b2 in TransitionLike) and (b1 in PlaceLike) ==> (link in GProcessElement!flowTo) $; r5a : $ forall g/BPMN_EventBasedGW ie/BPMN_IntermediateEvent b/BPMN_Element n1,n2/BPMN_Element!next From(n1,g) and To(n1,ie) and From(n2,ie) and To(n2,b) ==> (n2 in GProcessElement!flowTo) $; r5b : $ forall g/BPMN_EventBasedGW ie/BPMN_IntermediateEvent b/BPMN_Element n1,n2/BPMN_Element!next From(n1,g) and To(n1,ie) and From(n2,ie) and To(n2,b) ==> (g flowTo b) $; r6a : $ forall g1,g2/PlainOrGW link/BPMN_Element!next From(link,g1) and To(link,g2) ==> (link in GTransition) $; r6b : $ forall g1,g2/BPMN_OrGW link/BPMN_Element!next (g1 in PlainOrGW) and (g2 in PlainOrGW) and From(link,g1) and To(link,g2) ==> (g1 flowTo link) $; r6c : $ forall g1,g2/BPMN_OrGW link/GTransition (link in BPMN_Element!next) and (g1 in PlainOrGW) and (g2 in PlainOrGW) and From(link,g1) and To(link,g2) ==> (link flowTo g2) $ end BPMNPalette in JavaGraphicalPalette,Class isA XPalette with palproperty longtitle : "BPMN Graphical Shapes" contains bp01 : Pool_GT end Pool_GT end Activity_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp02 : Activity_GT; bp03 : StartEvent_GT end StartEvent_GT end EndEvent_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp04 : EndEvent_GT; bp05 : IntermediateEvent_GT end IntermediateEvent_GT end AndGW_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp06 : AndGW_GT; bp07 : OrGW_GT end OrGW_GT end next_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp08 : next_GT; bp09 : EnabledActivity_GT end EnabledActivity_GT end EnabledAndGW_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp10 : EnabledAndGW_GT; bp11 : MarkedStartEvent_GT end MarkedStartEvent_GT end MarkedOrGW_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp12 : MarkedOrGW_GT; bp13 : MarkedEndEvent_GT end MarkedEndEvent_GT end MarkedIntermediateEvent_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp14 : MarkedIntermediateEvent_GT; bp15 : StartMessageEvent_GT end StartMessageEvent_GT end EndMessageEvent_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp16 : EndMessageEvent_GT; bp17 : IntermediateMessageEvent_GT end IntermediateMessageEvent_GT end message_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp18 : message_GT; bp20 : EventBasedGW_GT end EventBasedGW_GT end flow_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp21 : flow_GT; bp22 : MarkedIntermediateMessageEvent_GT end MarkedIntermediateMessageEvent_GT end MarkedEventBasedGW_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp23 : MarkedEventBasedGW_GT; bp24 : Enabled_next_GT end Enabled_next_GT end Transition_next_GT end BPMNPalette with contains bp25 : Transition_next_GT; bp26 : Pool_contains_GT rule r1 : $ forall p/BPMN_Pool (p graphtype Pool_GT) $; r2 : $ forall a/BPMN_Activity (a graphtype Activity_GT) $; r3 : $ forall a/BPMN_Activity (a in Enabled) ==> (a graphtype EnabledActivity_GT) $; r4 : $ forall e/BPMN_StartEvent (e graphtype StartEvent_GT) $; r5 : $ forall e/BPMN_EndEvent (e graphtype EndEvent_GT) $; r6 : $ forall e/BPMN_IntermediateEvent (e graphtype IntermediateEvent_GT) $; r7 : $ forall g/BPMN_AndGW (g graphtype AndGW_GT) $; r8 : $ forall g/BPMN_AndGW (g in Enabled) ==> (g graphtype EnabledAndGW_GT) $; r9 : $ forall g/BPMN_OrGW (g graphtype OrGW_GT) $; r10 : $ forall n/BPMN_Element!next (n graphtype next_GT) $; r11 : $ forall g/MarkedGPlace (g in BPMN_OrGW) ==> (g graphtype MarkedOrGW_GT) $; r12 : $ forall g/MarkedGPlace (g in BPMN_StartEvent) ==> (g graphtype MarkedStartEvent_GT) $; r13 : $ forall g/MarkedGPlace (g in BPMN_EndEvent) ==> (g graphtype MarkedEndEvent_GT) $; r14 : $ forall g/MarkedGPlace (g in BPMN_IntermediateEvent) ==> (g graphtype MarkedIntermediateEvent_GT) $; r15 : $ forall e/BPMN_StartMessageEvent (e graphtype StartMessageEvent_GT) $; r16 : $ forall e/BPMN_EndMessageEvent (e graphtype EndMessageEvent_GT) $; r17 : $ forall e/BPMN_IntermediateMessageEvent (e graphtype IntermediateMessageEvent_GT) $; r18 : $ forall n/BPMN_Element!next p1,p2/BPMN_Pool e1,e2/BPMN_Element (p1 <> p2) and From(n,e1) and To(n,e2) and (p1 contains e1) and (p2 contains e2) ==> (n graphtype message_GT) $; r20 : $ forall e/BPMN_EventBasedGW (e graphtype EventBasedGW_GT) $; r21 : $ forall n/BPMN_Element!next (n in GProcessElement!flowTo) ==> (n graphtype flow_GT) $; r22 : $ forall e/MarkedGPlace (e in BPMN_IntermediateMessageEvent) ==> (e graphtype MarkedIntermediateMessageEvent_GT) $; r23 : $ forall e/MarkedGPlace (e in BPMN_EventBasedGW) ==> (e graphtype MarkedEventBasedGW_GT) $; r24 : $ forall n/BPMN_Element!next (n in Enabled) ==> (n graphtype Enabled_next_GT) $; r25 : $ forall n/BPMN_Element!next (n in GTransition) ==> (n graphtype Transition_next_GT) $; r26 : $ forall n/BPMN_Pool!contains (n graphtype Pool_contains_GT) $ end Pool_contains_GT end Pool_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "249,249,249"; textcolor : "120,120,120"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; fontsize : "10"; size : "resizable"; align : "top"; shape : "PolygonShape; 0,120,121,121,121,2500,2500, 0,0; 0, 0,998,998, 0, 0,1000,1000,0"; nodelevel : "-101" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end Activity_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,200"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.RoundRectangle"; fontsize : "12" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 20 end EnabledActivity_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property clickaction : "gfire -n"; bgcolor : "200,255,180"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "200,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.RoundRectangle"; fontsize : "12" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end StartEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "1"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 20 end MarkedStartEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "220,250,220"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "1"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end StartMessageEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "1"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; textposition : "center"; size : "20x20"; image : "bpmnicons/wmessage.png" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 21 end EndEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "3"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 20 end MarkedEndEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "220,250,220"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "3"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end EndMessageEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "3"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; textposition : "center"; size : "20x20"; image : "bpmnicons/wmessage.png" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 21 end IntermediateEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "250,250,250"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 20 end MarkedIntermediateEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "220,250,220"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end IntermediateMessageEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "250,250,250"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; textposition : "center"; size : "20x20"; image : "bpmnicons/wmessage.png" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 21 end MarkedIntermediateMessageEvent_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "220,250,220"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Circle"; fontsize : "12"; label : " "; textposition : "center"; size : "20x20"; image : "bpmnicons/wmessage.png" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 23 end AndGW_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Diamond"; fontsize : "14"; fontstyle : "bold"; label : "+"; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 20 end EnabledAndGW_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property clickaction : "gfire -n"; bgcolor : "200,255,180"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "200,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Diamond"; fontsize : "14"; fontstyle : "bold"; label : "+"; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end OrGW_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Diamond"; fontsize : "14"; fontstyle : "bold"; label : "x"; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 20 end MarkedOrGW_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "220,250,220"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Diamond"; fontsize : "14"; fontstyle : "bold"; label : "x"; size : "20x20" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 22 end EventBasedGW_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Diamond"; fontsize : "14"; fontstyle : "bold"; label : " "; textposition : "center"; size : "20x20"; image : "bpmnicons/wpentagon.png" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 21 end MarkedEventBasedGW_GT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "220,250,220"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "2"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Diamond"; fontsize : "14"; fontstyle : "bold"; label : " "; textposition : "center"; size : "20x20"; image : "bpmnicons/wpentagon.png" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 23 end next_GT in JavaGraphicalType,Class with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "120,120,120"; edgewidth : "2"; label : ""; bgcolor : "220,120,120" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 20 end Transition_next_GT in JavaGraphicalType,Class with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "120,120,120"; edgewidth : "2"; label : "next"; bgcolor : "255,255,255" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 23 end Enabled_next_GT in JavaGraphicalType,Class with property clickaction : "gfire -n"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "120,120,120"; edgewidth : "2"; label : "next"; bgcolor : "200,255,180" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 24 end flow_GT in JavaGraphicalType,Class with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "140,110,110"; edgewidth : "2"; label : ""; bgcolor : "220,120,120" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 21 end message_GT in JavaGraphicalType,Class with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "120,120,120"; edgewidth : "2"; edgestyle : "dashed"; label : ""; bgcolor : "220,120,120" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 22 end Pool_contains_GT in JavaGraphicalType,Class with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "50,50,50"; edgewidth : "1"; edgestyle : "dotted"; label : ""; bgcolor : "220,120,120" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 22 end {---} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.091 } ProcessType in ModelType with contains contains : ProcessElementType end ProcessElementType in Node end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.183 } ArtifactType in Node isA ProcessElementType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.280 } TaskType in Node isA ProcessElementType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.363 } ActorType in Node isA ProcessElementType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.463 } BPMN_Element isA ProcessElementType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.559 } ProcessGatewayType in Node isA ProcessElementType end BPMN_AndGW isA ProcessGatewayType end BPMN_OrGW isA ProcessGatewayType end BPMN_Pool isA ActorType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.648 } BPMN_Activity isA TaskType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.752 } TaskType with connectedTo uses : ArtifactType; produces : ArtifactType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.856 } ValidationTaskType in Node isA TaskType end CriticalTaskType in Node isA TaskType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:13.957 } Actor with IN class : ActorType end Artifact with IN class : ArtifactType end ActorType in Class end ArtifactType in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:14.275 } SeniorActorType in Node isA ActorType end SeniorActor with IN class : SeniorActorType end SeniorActorType in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:14.496 } Task with IN class : TaskType end Actor in Class end TaskType in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:14.744 } Process with IN class : ProcessType end ProcessType in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:15.007 } Task with attribute uses : Artifact; produces : Artifact end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:15.122 } Task!uses with IN class : TaskType!uses end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:15.410 } Task!produces with IN class : TaskType!produces end {---} { 2019-07-15 12:10:15.696 } ProcessElement with IN class : ProcessElementType end ProcessElementType in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:16.032 } Process with attribute contains : ProcessElement end ProcessElement in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:16.235 } Process!contains with IN class : ProcessType!contains end {---} { 2019-07-15 12:10:16.535 } CriticalTask isA Task with IN class : CriticalTaskType end CriticalTask!class isA Task!class end CriticalTaskType in Class end {---} { 2019-07-15 12:10:16.838 } ValidationTask isA Task with IN class : ValidationTaskType end ValidationTask!class isA Task!class end ValidationTaskType in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:17.220 } TaskType with connectedTo executortype : ActorType attribute creator : Actor end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:17.381 } NormalActorType isA ActorType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:17.516 } SeniorManager in SeniorActorType end ProjectLeader in SeniorActorType end RegularEmployee in NormalActorType end SeniorActor in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:17.976 } Document in ArtifactType end Invoice isA Document end TravelExpenseStatement isA Document end ProgramCode in ArtifactType end Artifact in Class end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:18.386 } Proposition with attribute altname : String end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:18.557 } Task in Class with attribute begindate : Integer; enddate : Integer; duration : Integer end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:18.719 } taskDuration in Function isA Integer with parameter t : Task constraint cdur : $ exists d1,d2/Integer (t begindate d1) and (t enddate d2) and (this = d2-d1) $ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:18.894 } Task with rule durrule : $ forall t/Task d/Integer (d = taskDuration(t)) ==> (t duration d) $ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:19.071 } TaskType with attribute plannedduration : Integer end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:19.228 } taskDelay in Function isA Integer with parameter t : Task constraint cdelay : $ exists T/TaskType d1,d2/Integer (t in T) and (t duration d1) and (T plannedduration d2) and (this = d1-d2)$ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:38.222 } DelayedTask in QueryClass isA Task with constraint isDelayed : $ exists T/TaskType pd,d/Integer (this in T) and (T plannedduration pd) and (this duration d) and (d > pd) $ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:19.451 } Task with attribute executor : Actor end Actor with attribute authorizedFor : TaskType end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:19.643 } AuthorizedTaskType in QueryClass,MSFOLrule isA TaskType with constraint catt : $ exists a/Actor (a authorizedFor this) $ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:19.819 } Actor with constraint isAuthorized : $ forall a/Actor t/Task T/AuthorizedTaskType (t in T) and (t executor a) ==> (a authorizedFor T) $ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:20.015 } CriticalButNotValidatedM1 in QueryClass isA CriticalTaskType with constraint c3 : $ exists x/ArtifactType (this produces x) and not (exists vt/ValidationTaskType (vt uses x)) $ comment com1 : "This query checks at the model level (M1) whether validation tasks are planned" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:20.179 } CriticalButNotValidatedM0 in QueryClass isA CriticalTask with constraint c3 : $ exists x/Artifact (this produces x) and not (exists vt/ValidationTask (vt uses x)) $ comment com1 : "This query checks at the data level (M0) whether validation tasks are executed" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:20.363 } CodingProcess in Module end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:20.512 } ProperProcessType in QueryClass isA ProcessType with constraint isProper : $ (this <> Process) and not (this in QueryClass) $ end ProperTaskType in QueryClass isA TaskType with constraint isProper : $ (this <> Task) and not (this in QueryClass) $ end ProperProcess in QueryClass isA Process with constraint isProper : $ not (this in QueryClass) $ end ProperTask in QueryClass isA Task with constraint isProper : $ not (this in QueryClass) $ end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:20.704 } MatchedTask in QueryClass isA ProperTask with constraint cm : $ exists T/ProperTaskType PT/ProperProcessType P/ProperProcess (P contains this) and :(this in T): and (P in PT) and (PT <> Process) and (T <> Task) and (PT contains T) $ end UnmatchedTask in QueryClass isA ProperTask with computed_attribute T : ProperTaskType; PT : ProperProcessType; P : ProperProcess constraint cm : $ (P contains this) and :(this in T): and (P in PT) and (PT <> Process) and (T <> Task) and not (PT contains T) $ end {***} ArtifactType in Class with rule deprule1: $ forall a1,a2/ArtifactType tt/TaskType (tt uses a1) and (tt produces a2) and (tt <> Task) ==> (a2 dependsOn a1) $ end Artifact in Class with rule deprule2: $ forall a1,a2/Artifact t/Task (t uses a1) and (t produces a2) ==> (a2 dependsOn a1) $ end {***} Depender in GenericQueryClass isA Proposition with parameter,computed_attribute dependee: Proposition constraint depc1: $ (~this dependsOn ~dependee) $ end Dependee in GenericQueryClass isA Proposition with parameter,computed_attribute depender: Proposition constraint depc1: $ (~depender dependsOn ~this) $ end {---} ImplicitGT_dependsOn in Class,JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255,240"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "100,100,100"; edgewidth : "1"; edgestyle : "dotted"; label : "depOn"; fontsize: "8"; edgeheadcolor : "255,10,10"; edgeheadshape : "SmallArrow" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 7 end DependsOn_GT in Class,JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,255,240"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "100,100,100"; edgewidth : "1"; edgestyle : "continuous"; label : "depOn"; fontsize: "8"; edgeheadcolor : "255,10,10"; edgeheadshape : "SmallArrow" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 7 rule gtrule : $ forall a/Proposition!dependsOn (a graphtype DependsOn_GT) $ end Task_GT in Class,JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,225"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "1"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.RoundRectangle"; size : "resizable"; fontsize : "10" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 21 rule gtrule : $ forall t/Task (t graphtype Task_GT) $ end Artifact_GT in Class,JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,255,225"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; linewidth : "1"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Page"; size : "resizable"; fontsize : "10" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" priority pr : 21 rule gtrule : $ forall a/Artifact (a graphtype Artifact_GT) $ end 1_ProcessPalette in Class,JavaGraphicalPalette isA XPalette with palproperty bgcolor : "255,255,255"; longtitle : "ProcessModeling" contains,implicitInstanceOf sp4 : INSTOFDEDUCED_GT contains,implicitAttribute sp5 : ATTRDEDUCED_GT contains,implicitIsA sp6 : ISADEDUCED_GT contains sp7 : ISA_GT; sp1 : INDIVIDUAL_GT; sp2 : INSTOF_GT; sp3 : ATTR_GT; dt15 : IN_Link_GT; dt16 : SPEC_Link_GT; dt17 : ImplicitGT_ISA; pt1 : ImplicitGT_dependsOn; pt2 : DependsOn_GT; pt3 : Task_GT; pt4 : Artifact_GT; bp01 : Pool_GT; bp02 : Activity_GT; bp03 : StartEvent_GT; bp04 : EndEvent_GT; bp05 : IntermediateEvent_GT; bp06 : AndGW_GT; bp07 : OrGW_GT; bp08 : next_GT; bp09 : EnabledActivity_GT; bp10 : EnabledAndGW_GT; bp11 : MarkedStartEvent_GT; bp12 : MarkedOrGW_GT; bp13 : MarkedEndEvent_GT; bp14 : MarkedIntermediateEvent_GT; bp15 : StartMessageEvent_GT; bp16 : EndMessageEvent_GT; bp17 : IntermediateMessageEvent_GT; bp18 : message_GT; bp20 : EventBasedGW_GT; bp21 : flow_GT; bp22 : MarkedIntermediateMessageEvent_GT; bp23 : MarkedEventBasedGW_GT; bp24 : Enabled_next_GT; bp25 : Transition_next_GT; bp26 : Pool_contains_GT end { -/- }