{ * Module: System-oHome-DeepTelos-ProcessModels-CodingProcess-Process1 * --------------------------------------------------------- * This file has been extracted from a ConceptBase database. * Copyright is with the respective authors! * Time extracted: 2019-07-15T12:24:59,705Z (UTC) * Active user: jeusfeld@myon * CBserver version: 8.1.03 (2019-07-11) * } {$set module=System-oHome-DeepTelos-ProcessModels-CodingProcess-Process1} { 2019-07-15 12:10:39.535 } process1 in ACMEPlainProcess end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:39.801 } reqanalysis1 in RequirementsAnalysis with artifact1 redoc : reqdoc1 begindate d1 : 1 enddate d2 : 33 end reqdoc1 end carl end reqanalysis1 with executor actor1 : carl end reqdoc1 in RequirementsSpecification with responsible actor1 : carl version v : "V1.0" end carl in Analyst end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:40.322 } design1 in Design with designdocument desdoc : designdoc1 begindate d1 : 34 enddate d2 : 40 end designdoc1 end dennis in Developer end design1 with executor actor1 : dennis end designdoc1 in DesignDocument with responsible actor1 : dennis version v : "V1.0" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:40.840 } coding1 in Coding with artifact1 program : program1 coder actor : dennis useslanguage lan : Java begindate d1 : 41 enddate d2 : 50 end program1 in ProgramCode with language lang : Java responsible actor : dennis version v : "V2.0" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:41.237 } Mary in TestDesigner end testcasedesign1 in TestCaseDesign with artifact1 testcases : testcasedoc1 testcasedesigner actor : Mary begindate d1 : 40 enddate d2 : 45 end testcasedoc1 in TestCaseDocument with responsible actor : Mary version v : "V1.0" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:41.657 } testdesignreview1 in TestDesignReview with report review : testreview1 end testreview1 end Paula end testdesignreview1 with testdesignreviewer actor : Paula begindate d1 : 46 enddate d2 : 48 end Paula in SeniorActor end testreview1 in TestDesignReviewReport with responsible actor : Paula version v : "V1.0" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:42.092 } John in Tester end testing1 in Testing with testreport report : testreport1 tester actor : John begindate d1 : 55 enddate d2 : 70 end testreport1 in TestReport with responsible actor : John testedArtifact design : designdoc1 version v : "V1.0" end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:42.459 } testreport1 with testedArtifact program : program1 end {***} { 2019-07-15 12:10:42.771 } process1 with contains s1 : reqanalysis1; s2 : design1; s3 : coding1; s4 : testcasedesign1; s5 : testdesignreview1; s6 : testing1 end { -/- }