{ * Module: System * --------------------------------------------------------- * This file has been extracted from a ConceptBase database. * Copyright is with the respective authors! * Time extracted: 2019-07-17T10:10:26,080Z (UTC) * Active user: jeusfeld@myon * CBserver version: 8.1.03 (2019-07-11) * } {$set module=System} { 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 } Proposition in Proposition with attribute single : Proposition; necessary : Proposition; attribute : Proposition end Class in Class end Individual end Token end SimpleClass end MetaClass end MetametaClass end Module end System in Module end Proposition isA Proposition end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.186 } BuiltinClass in Class end Integer in Class,BuiltinClass end Real in Class,BuiltinClass end String in Class,BuiltinClass end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.269 } Proposition with attribute comment : String end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.349 } AssertionEvaluators in Class end Assertions in Class,MetametaClass end MSFOLassertion in Class,Assertions end MAssertion in Class,Assertions isA MSFOLassertion end MRule in Class,Assertions isA MAssertion end Magic in Class end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.429 } MSFOLrule in Class,Assertions isA MSFOLassertion end metaMSFOLrule isA MSFOLrule end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.511 } MSFOLconstraint in Class,Assertions isA MSFOLassertion end metaMSFOLconstraint isA MSFOLconstraint end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.589 } Class with attribute constraint : MSFOLconstraint; rule : MSFOLrule; mrule : MRule end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.670 } MSFOLquery in Class,Assertions isA MSFOLconstraint end QueryClass in Class isA Class with attribute retrieved_attribute : Proposition; computed_attribute : Proposition; constraint : MSFOLquery end QueryClass!constraint isA Class!constraint end GenericQueryClass in Class isA QueryClass with attribute parameter : Proposition; required : Proposition end BuiltinQueryClass in Class isA GenericQueryClass end View in Class isA GenericQueryClass with attribute partof : Proposition; inherited_attribute : Proposition end SubView isA View end DatalogQueryClass in Class isA GenericQueryClass with attribute code : String end DatalogRule in Class with attribute concernedClass : Proposition; code : String end DatalogInRule in Class isA DatalogRule end DatalogAttrRule in Class isA DatalogRule end GeneratedObject end DeriveExpression isA GeneratedObject end QueryCall end HiddenObject end Function in Class isA GenericQueryClass end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:54.770 } Version in Class end T_0 in Version end TransactionTime in Class end Label in Class end Boolean in Class end FALSE in Boolean end TRUE in Boolean end ViewMaintenanceStrategy in Class end BottomUpVM in Class isA ViewMaintenanceStrategy end TopDownVM in Class isA ViewMaintenanceStrategy end NaiveVM in Class isA ViewMaintenanceStrategy end Proposition with attribute cardinality : Proposition end Proposition!cardinality with attribute min : Integer end Proposition!cardinality with attribute max : Integer end Order in Class end ascending in Order end descending in Order end AnswerFormat in Class with attribute forQuery : QueryClass; order : Order; orderBy : String; head : String; tail : String; pattern : String; split : Boolean end COUNT in Function isA Integer with parameter class : Proposition comment c : "counts the instances of class" end COUNT_Attribute in Function isA Integer with parameter objname : Proposition; attrcat : Proposition comment c : "counts the attributes in category of object " end SUM in Function isA Real with parameter class : Proposition comment c : "computes the sum of the instances of class (must be reals or integers)" end AVG in Function isA Real with parameter class : Proposition comment c : "computes the average of the instances of class (must be reals or integers)" end MAX in Function isA Real with parameter class : Proposition comment c : "gives the maximum of the instances of class (must be reals or integers)" end MIN in Function isA Real with parameter class : Proposition comment c : "gives the minimum of the instances of class (must be reals or integers)" end SUM_Attribute in Function isA Real with parameter objname : Proposition; attrcat : Proposition comment c : "computes the sum of the attributes in category of object (must be reals or integers)" end AVG_Attribute in Function isA Real with parameter objname : Proposition; attrcat : Proposition comment c : "computes the average of the attributes in category of object (must be reals or integers)" end MAX_Attribute in Function isA Real with parameter objname : Proposition; attrcat : Proposition comment c : "gives the maximum of the attributes in category of object (must be reals or integers)" end MIN_Attribute in Function isA Real with parameter objname : Proposition; attrcat : Proposition comment c : "gives the minimum of the attributes in category of object (must be reals or integers)" end PLUS in Function isA Real with parameter r1 : Real; r2 : Real comment c : "computes r1 + r2" end IPLUS in Function isA Integer with parameter i1 : Integer; i2 : Integer comment c : "computes i1 + i2" end MINUS in Function isA Real with parameter r1 : Real; r2 : Real comment c : "computes r1 - r2" end IMINUS in Function isA Integer with parameter i1 : Integer; i2 : Integer comment c : "computes i1 - i2" end MULT in Function isA Real with parameter r1 : Real; r2 : Real comment c : "computes r1 * r2" end IMULT in Function isA Integer with parameter i1 : Integer; i2 : Integer comment c : "computes i1 * i2" end DIV in Function isA Real with parameter r1 : Real; r2 : Real comment c : "computes r1 / r2" end IDIV in Function isA Integer with parameter i1 : Integer; i2 : Integer comment c : "computes truncate(i1/i2)" end ConcatenateStrings in Function isA String with parameter s1 : String; s2 : String comment c : "Appends string s2 to the end of string s1" end ConcatenateStrings3 in Function isA String with parameter s1 : String; s2 : String; s3 : String comment c : "Append strings s1 + s2 + s3" end ConcatenateStrings4 in Function isA String with parameter s1 : String; s2 : String; s3 : String; s4 : String comment c : "Append strings s1 + s2 + s3 + s4" end StringToLabel in Function isA Label with parameter s : String comment c : "returns s as a label (without quotes)" end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:55.022 } BDMConstraintCheck in Class,AssertionEvaluators end BDMRuleCheck in Class,AssertionEvaluators with attribute applyFurtherRuleIfInsert : BDMRuleCheck; applyFurtherRuleIfDelete : BDMRuleCheck; applyNowConstraintIfInsert : BDMConstraintCheck; applyNowConstraintIfDelete : BDMConstraintCheck end MSFOLrule with attribute originalRule : BDMRuleCheck; specialRule : BDMRuleCheck end MSFOLconstraint with attribute originalConstraint : BDMConstraintCheck; specialConstraint : BDMConstraintCheck end Proposition with attribute applyConstraintIfInsert : BDMConstraintCheck; applyConstraintIfDelete : BDMConstraintCheck; applyRuleIfInsert : BDMRuleCheck; applyRuleIfDelete : BDMRuleCheck; deducedBy : BDMRuleCheck end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:55.202 } AF_find_referring_objects_obi in AnswerFormat with forQuery fq : find_referring_objects head hd : "" pattern p : "{ASKquery(get_object[{this}/objname],FRAME)}" tail tl : "" end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:55.679 } GraphicalType in Class end Proposition with attribute graphtype : GraphicalType end GraphicalPalette in Class with attribute contains : GraphicalType; default : GraphicalType end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:55.775 } JavaGraphicalType in Class isA GraphicalType with attribute implementedBy : String; property : String; priority : Integer rule rPriority : $ forall jgt/JavaGraphicalType (not (exists i/Integer A_e(jgt,priority,i))) ==> A(jgt,priority,0) $ end JavaGraphicalPalette in Class isA GraphicalPalette with attribute defaultIndividual : JavaGraphicalType; defaultLink : JavaGraphicalType; implicitIsA : JavaGraphicalType; implicitInstanceOf : JavaGraphicalType; implicitAttribute : JavaGraphicalType; palproperty : String end CBGraphEditorResult in AnswerFormat with comment c : "This answer format has four parameters: 'obj' is the object which is related to the result objects, 'cat' is the category of the link between 'obj' and 'this', 'pal' is the graphical palette, and 'objtype' specifies whether 'obj' should be considered as source (src) or destination (dst) in the set of edges to be included in answer." head hd : "" tail tl : "" pattern p : " {buildCBEditorResult({this},{obj},{cat},{pal},{objtype})} " end CBGraphEditorResultWithoutEdges in AnswerFormat with comment c : "This answer format is like CBGraphEditorResult but it will not output any edges. Therefore, it has only the parameter 'pal' to indicate the graphical palette." head hd : "" tail tl : "" pattern p : " {buildCBEditorResultWithoutEdges({this},{pal})} " end XML_JavaGraphicalPalette in AnswerFormat with forQuery fq : GetJavaGraphicalPalette head h : "" tail t : "" pattern p : " {Foreach(({this.contains}),(gt), {ASKquery(GetJavaGraphicalType[{gt}/gt],XML_JavaGraphicalType)})} {this.defaultIndividual} {this.defaultLink} {this.implicitIsA} {this.implicitInstanceOf} {this.implicitAttribute} {Foreach(({this.palproperty},{this|palproperty}),(v,l), {l} {v} )} " end XML_JavaGraphicalType in AnswerFormat with forQuery fq : GetJavaGraphicalType head h : "" tail t : "" pattern p : " {this}{Foreach(({this.property},{this|property}),(v,l), {l} {v} )} {this.implementedBy} " end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:55.934 } DefaultJavaPalette in Class,JavaGraphicalPalette with contains,defaultIndividual c1 : DefaultIndividualGT end DefaultIndividualGT end DefaultLinkGT end DefaultJavaPalette with contains,defaultLink c2 : DefaultLinkGT implicitIsA,contains c3 : ImplicitIsAGT end ImplicitIsAGT end ImplicitInstanceOfGT end DefaultJavaPalette with implicitInstanceOf,contains c4 : ImplicitInstanceOfGT implicitAttribute,contains c5 : ImplicitAttributeGT end ImplicitAttributeGT end DefaultIsAGT end DefaultJavaPalette with contains c6 : DefaultIsAGT; c7 : DefaultInstanceOfGT end DefaultInstanceOfGT end DefaultAttributeGT end DefaultJavaPalette with contains c8 : DefaultAttributeGT; c9 : MetametaGT end MetametaGT end SimpleClassGT end DefaultJavaPalette with contains c10 : SimpleClassGT; c11 : MetaClassGT end MetaClassGT end ClassGT end DefaultJavaPalette with contains c12 : ClassGT; c13 : QueryClassGT rule rIsaGT : $ forall p/IsA (p graphtype DefaultIsAGT) $; rInstGT : $ forall p/InstanceOf (p graphtype DefaultInstanceOfGT) $; rAttrGT : $ forall p/Attribute (p graphtype DefaultAttributeGT) $; rIndGT : $ forall p/Individual (p graphtype DefaultIndividualGT) $; rMetameta : $ forall c/MetametaClass (c graphtype MetametaGT) $; rSimpleCl : $ forall t/SimpleClass (t graphtype SimpleClassGT) $; rMetaClass : $ forall t/MetaClass (t graphtype MetaClassGT) $; rClass : $ forall c/Individual (c in Class) ==> (c graphtype ClassGT) $; rQueryClass : $ forall c/QueryClass (c graphtype QueryClassGT) $ end QueryClassGT end DefaultIndividualGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "210,210,210"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Rect" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" end DefaultLinkGT in JavaGraphicalType with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "0,0,0"; edgewidth : "2" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" end DefaultIsAGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "0,205,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,205,255"; edgecolor : "0,205,255"; edgewidth : "3"; label : "" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 1 end ImplicitIsAGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "0,150,255"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,205,255"; edgecolor : "0,205,255"; edgewidth : "3"; edgestyle : "dashed"; label : "" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 1 end DefaultInstanceOfGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "0,210,0"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,210,0"; edgecolor : "0,210,0"; edgewidth : "2"; label : "" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 1 end ImplicitInstanceOfGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "0,180,0"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,180,0"; edgecolor : "0,180,0"; edgewidth : "2"; edgestyle : "dashed"; label : "" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 1 end DefaultAttributeGT in JavaGraphicalType with property textcolor : "0,0,0"; edgecolor : "0,0,0"; edgewidth : "2" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 1 end ImplicitAttributeGT in JavaGraphicalType with property textcolor : "20,20,20"; edgecolor : "20,20,20"; edgestyle : "dashed"; edgewidth : "2" implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBLink" priority p : 1 end MetametaGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "127,255,212"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "32,178,170"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Ellipse"; fontstyle : "bold" priority p : 10 implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" end SimpleClassGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,192,203"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "255,0,0"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Ellipse"; fontstyle : "bold" priority p : 10 implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" end MetaClassGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "135,206,235"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "65,105,225"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Ellipse"; fontstyle : "bold" priority p : 10 implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" end ClassGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "0,206,209"; textcolor : "0,0,0"; linecolor : "0,0,0"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Rect" priority p : 5 implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" end QueryClassGT in JavaGraphicalType with property bgcolor : "255,0,0"; textcolor : "255,255,255"; linecolor : "0,0,255"; shape : "i5.cb.graph.shapes.Ellipse"; fontstyle : "italic" priority p : 7 implementedBy implBy : "i5.cb.graph.cbeditor.CBIndividual" end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:56.079 } ECArule in Class with attribute ecarule : ECAassertion; priority_after : ECArule; priority_before : ECArule end ECAassertion end ECAmode end ECArule with attribute mode : ECAmode; active : Boolean; depth : Integer; rejectMsg : String constraint ecarule_single : $ forall r/ECArule e1,e2/ECAassertion (r ecarule e1) and (r ecarule e2) ==> (e1 == e2) $; eca_necessary : $ forall r/ECArule exists e/ECAassertion (r ecarule e) $; mode_single : $ forall r/ECArule m1,m2/ECAmode (r mode m1) and (r mode m2) ==> (m1 == m2) $; active_single : $ forall r/ECArule a1,a2/Boolean (r active a1) and (r active a2) ==> (a1 == a2) $; depth_single : $ forall r/ECArule i,j/Integer (r depth i) and (r depth j) ==> (i == j) $ end ECAassertion in Class,Assertions end ECAmode in Class end Immediate in ECAmode end ImmediateDeferred in ECAmode end Deferred in ECAmode end YesClass end yes in YesClass end {---} { 2018-10-30 12:53:56.166 } Module in Class with attribute imports : Module; exports : Proposition; contains : Proposition end oHome in Module end CB_User with attribute homeModule : Module; profileTag : String end AutoHomeModule isA Module with attribute exception : CB_User end Resource end Module isA Resource end CB_Operation end CB_ReadOperation isA CB_Operation end CB_WriteOperation isA CB_Operation end TELL in CB_WriteOperation end TELL_MODEL in CB_WriteOperation end UNTELL in CB_WriteOperation end RETELL in CB_WriteOperation end LPI_CALL in CB_WriteOperation end ASK in CB_ReadOperation end HYPO_ASK in CB_ReadOperation end listModule in BuiltinQueryClass with parameter module : Module end Module with attribute saveView : QueryClass end AnswerFormat with attribute fileType : String end toLabel in Function isA Individual with parameter s : String comment c : "returns s as a label without quotes and special character and creates it as individual object" end concat in Function isA String with parameter s1 : String; s2 : String comment c : "Appends string s2 to the end of string s1; same as ConcatenateStrings" end Proposition with attribute immutable : Proposition end DefaultIsAGT with property edgeheadcolor : "255,255,255" end ImplicitIsAGT with property edgeheadcolor : "255,255,255" end Proposition with attribute gproperty : Proposition end { -/- }