{ * Module: System-oHome-DeepTelos-MULTISAT * --------------------------------------------------------- * This file has been extracted from a ConceptBase database. * Copyright is with the respective authors! * Time extracted: 2019-07-17T10:10:26,080Z (UTC) * Active user: jeusfeld@myon * CBserver version: 8.1.03 (2019-07-11) * * -author: Manfred Jeusfeld * -description: A DeepTelos formalization of the satellite use case for multi-level modeling } {$set module=System-oHome-DeepTelos-MULTISAT} { 2019-07-17 10:09:54.130 } MULTISAT with comment author : "Manfred Jeusfeld"; description : "A DeepTelos formalization of the satellite use case for multi-level modeling" end ComponentCategory end ComponentType with IN c : ComponentCategory attribute hasPart : ComponentType end ComponentCategory in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:54.322 } ComponentModel with IN c : ComponentType attribute hasPart : ComponentModel end ComponentType in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:54.542 } Component with IN c : ComponentModel end InterfaceType in ComponentCategory with attribute from : ComponentType; to : ComponentType end InterfaceModel with IN c : InterfaceType attribute from : ComponentModel; to : ComponentModel end Interface with IN c : InterfaceModel attribute from : Component; to : Component end ComponentModel in Class end Component in Class end InterfaceType in Class end InterfaceModel in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:55.008 } Interface!from with IN c : InterfaceModel!from end Interface!to with IN c : InterfaceModel!to end InterfaceModel!from with IN c : InterfaceType!from end InterfaceModel!to with IN c : InterfaceType!to end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:55.516 } Component with attribute hasPart : Component; weightKG : Integer; producer : Organization end Organization end ComponentModel with attribute designer : Organization end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:55.699 } Component!hasPart with IN c : ComponentModel!hasPart end ComponentModel!hasPart with IN c : ComponentType!hasPart end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:56.084 } NASA in Organization end ESA in Organization end DLR in Organization end ArianceSpace in Organization end GalileoIndustries in Organization end SST in Organization end Orbit end Orb12 in Orbit end Orb3612 in Orbit end SpacecraftType in ComponentCategory end SatelliteType in ComponentCategory end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:56.384 } SpacecraftModel with IN c : SpacecraftType end SatelliteModel with IN c : SatelliteType end SpacecraftType in Class end SatelliteType in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:56.852 } Spacecraft with IN c : SpacecraftModel end Satellite with IN c : SatelliteModel end SpacecraftModel in Class end SatelliteModel in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:57.388 } SatelliteModel with attribute plannedorbit : Orbit; startmassKG : Integer end Satellite with attribute actualorbit : Orbit end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:57.608 } NavigationSatellite in SatelliteType with attribute transmitterWatt : Integer end GalileoFamily isA NavigationSatellite end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:57.989 } GyroSubsystem in ComponentType with hasPart part1 : GyroRwInterface end GyroRwInterface end GalileoFamily with hasPart part1 : GyroSubsystem; part2 : ReactionWheel end ReactionWheel end GyroRwInterface in InterfaceType with from from1 : GyroSubsystem to to1 : ReactionWheel end ReactionWheel in ComponentType end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:58.560 } GalileoSatellite in GalileoFamily end Galileo_GIOVE_A1 in GalileoFamily isA GalileoSatellite end Galileo_GIOVE_A2 in GalileoFamily isA GalileoSatellite end Satellite in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:58.940 } GalileoSatellite with plannedorbit orbit1 : Orb3612 end Galileo_GIOVE_A1 with startmassKG startmass : 600 transmitterWatt transmitter : 700 designer designedBy : SST end Galileo_GIOVE_A2 with startmassKG startmass : 523 transmitterWatt transmitter : 943 designer designedBy : GalileoIndustries end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:59.401 } GyroMasterV17 end Galileo_GIOVE_A1 with part1 part11 : GyroMasterV17 part2 part21 : ReaFastV45; part22 : ReaFastV45; part23 : ReaFastV45 end ReaFastV45 end USBto5Pin in GyroRwInterface with from1 from11 : GyroMasterV17 to1 to11 : ReaFastV45 end GyroMasterV17 in GyroSubsystem with part1 part11 : USBto5Pin; part12 : USBto5Pin; part13 : USBto5Pin end ReaFastV45 in ReactionWheel end Interface in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:59.878 } Galileo_GIOVE_A1_I1 in Galileo_GIOVE_A1 with actualorbit orbit1 : Orb3612 producer producedBy : SST part11 part11i : gm_123456 end gm_123456 end rw_7891 end Galileo_GIOVE_A1_I1 with part21 part21i : rw_7891 part22 part22i : rw_7892 end rw_7892 end rw_7896 end Galileo_GIOVE_A1_I1 with part23 part23i : rw_7896 end gm_123456 in GyroMasterV17 with part11 part11i : usb33411 end usb33411 end usb33414 end gm_123456 with part12 part12i : usb33414 part13 part13i : usb33415 end usb33415 end rw_7891 in ReaFastV45 end rw_7892 in ReaFastV45 end rw_7896 in ReaFastV45 end usb33411 in USBto5Pin with from11 from11i : gm_123456 to11 to11i : rw_7891 end usb33414 in USBto5Pin with from11 from11i : gm_123456 to11 to11i : rw_7892 end usb33415 in USBto5Pin with from11 from11i : gm_123456 to11 to11i : rw_7896 end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:10:00.309 } GeneratedRules in QueryClass isA Class with computed_attribute genrule : MSFOLrule constraint c1 : $ (this rule genrule) and exists mlrule/MSFOLrule (DeepTelosRules rule mlrule) and :(genrule isA mlrule): $ end { -/- }