{ * Module: System-oHome-DeepTelos-EntitiesAndValues * --------------------------------------------------------- * This file has been extracted from a ConceptBase database. * Copyright is with the respective authors! * Time extracted: 2019-07-17T10:10:26,080Z (UTC) * Active user: jeusfeld@myon * CBserver version: 8.1.03 (2019-07-11) * } {$set module=System-oHome-DeepTelos-EntitiesAndValues} { 2019-07-17 10:09:20.704 } EntityType end Domain end Entity with IN c : EntityType end Value with IN c : Domain end EntityType in Class end Domain in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:20.916 } EntityType with attribute property : Domain end Entity with attribute value : Value end String in Domain end Real in Domain end Integer in Domain end Entity!value with IN c : EntityType!property end Value in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:21.168 } ProductCategory end ProductModel with IN c : ProductCategory end Product with IN c : ProductModel end CarModel in ProductCategory end Car with IN c1 : CarModel end ProductCategory in Class end ProductModel in Class end CarModel in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:21.572 } Person end ProductCategory with attribute categoryMgr : Person end ProductModel with attribute listPrice : Integer end peter end CarModel with categoryMgr c : peter attribute numberOfDoors : Integer end Car with attribute mileage : Integer; owner : AdultPerson end AdultPerson end Person in EntityType with property age : Integer end AdultPerson in EntityType isA Person end peter in Person end PhoneModel in ProductCategory end Product with attribute owner : Person end ProductModel isA EntityType end Project in EntityType with property budget : Real end p346 in Project with budget pbudget : 1.5 end Entity in Class end Product in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:21.864 } Porsche911 in CarModel with numberOfDoors d : 2 listPrice p : 120000 end GalaxyS3 in PhoneModel end Car in Class end {---} { 2019-07-17 10:09:22.108 } mary in AdultPerson end marysCar in Porsche911 with mileage m : 27000 owner o : mary end { -/- }